Broekman Logistics and UTURN make the next step improving the efficiency of Container Transport - Broekman Logistics

Broekman Logistics and UTURN make the next step improving the efficiency of Container Transport


Logistic service provider Broekman Logistics and Transport Management Platform UTURN have signed a cooperation agreement for 2 years this week. Goal of this cooperation is to optimize and expand the relations between Broekman and transport suppliers by digitizing and automating (internal) processes and information exchange. System integration and implementation are in the finalizing phase.


Broekman will deploy the UTURN-platform for both their spot and regular business, to optimize costs and efficiency for both flows. Transports can be published to one or multiple preferred transporters via the platform. Digitizing the process with current relations from order to cash with significant benefits for both parties.

“The implementation of UTURN will support us in optimizing the way we work with current and new transporters and increase the efficiency of our internal processes, paving the way for our ambitious growth”, Nadine Woord – Operational Manager Export Broekman Logistics

Furthermore Broekman gains access to 1500 qualified transporters to guarantee capacity for each transport request. With the simple integration tool of UTURN the entire process will be integrated into the internal Broekman application. This results in a fully automated and digital information exchange with all transporters and for every type of transport significantly reducing the workload.


Both parties have ambitious growth plans where the integration between them will be a crucial facilitator. “With UTURN Broekman will realize no-touch transports from order to cash, and is therefor able to focus on what really matters, the customer”, Daan Meboer – CEO UTURN. Further international roll-out is done in close collaboration with the customers of UTURN; the transporters and shippers. With daily transports in the triangle Rotterdam-Antwerp-Duisburg and launches planned in Hamburg and the UK, UTURN provides a European wide solution for container transport.


Broekman logistics is an international logistic service provider with offices in 6 countries and around 1000 employees. Founded in 1960, Broekman strives to be a fully-fledged logistics partner with a global reach, by creating sustainable value in the supply network with a personal touch.

UTURN is founded in 2017 as a Transport Management Platform for and by the logistics industry with the mission to increase the efficiency of container transport. Since the launch UTURN has grown rapidly and has connected over 250 globally operation customers. Earlier this year an investment of €2M was raised to further accelerate the (international) growth.

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