Can electric cars fly? - Broekman Logistics

Can electric cars fly?


The world is facing many challenges, and in our era, it seems we are looking at even greater challenges than ever before, with man-induced Climate Changing Behaviorism being the root cause to many first, second and third world problems.

As always in the history of Homo Sapiens, a challenge or a problem is a great opportunity to try and design, think and build a possible solution. The dishwasher and electric toothbrush rank high on our lists of value-adding products, the electric car is a relative newcomer to that spectrum. Relative as the first automobiles were, in fact, electric vehicles which begs the question of how getting back to where it all started can be dubbed progress in the first place.

European Governments are stimulating the development and adaptation of EVs as one of the factors that could help us save the planet and with that, ourselves. Stimuli are mostly financial with a wide range of instruments that are geared to alleviate the impact of driving this relatively new and expensive technology through our daily lives. One of the most successful countries in that respect is The Netherlands where especially Tesla managed to secure a fair portion of its market share on the back of the financial stimuli and of course by riding the waves of its first-mover advantage position.

But now Dutch prospective EV drivers are faced with a possible roadblock. The financial stimuli are being withered down through time and any EV that receives its Dutch license plate after December 31st faces a doubling of its taxation for the private use of company lease cars.

This is unfortunate as the major marques from the Far East are just ready to start shipping out their friendlier priced and more accessible EV to the Dutch Market. Given the elongated transportation time required by the use of the RoRo Ocean Carriers, many potential business drivers may still shy away from choosing the EV as its lease car and stick with their fossil fuel-powered cars.

Which begs the question: Can Electric Cars Fly? Will Dutch Car Importers take the plunge and start flying in EVs to meet de stringent deadlines in Holland?

With only four months left until the deadline, the time pressure is high for those who desire a taxation advantage. Broekman Logistics is, however, aware of the B-side to the ‘futuristic idea’ of making cars fly.

It is often argued that ocean freight has a much better carbon footprint than air freight, on an Asia-Europe trade touching a 5-fold lower CO2 footprint considering both lower output but longer distance. Although, when considering the well-being of the ocean the jury might still be out on this trade-off.

The matter gets interesting when the trade-off is being made between four more years of a similar type fossil fuel-powered (although eco-friendly) cars or a switch to EVs. Furthermore, EVs should produce significant less CO2 emissions than fossil fuel-powered cars of a similar type, which gives the ocean/air freight trade-off a critical edge; making Flying of cars in this perspective the more preferred choice above Sailing, from a total CO2 footprint point of view.

As an international freight forwarder, Broekman Logistics feels responsible to find better ways of doing (sustainable) business. During every step of the way, when offering transportation solutions to its clients, the best possible trade-off is being made, considering both corporate social responsibility, as well as safeguarding the clients’ interests and values.

Thus, can electric cars fly? The straightforward answer would be yes they can. The real answer, however, is in the trade-off that is made, before jumping to conclusions.

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Rutger Bonsel

Global Commercial Director